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About Our Fitness Calculators

Welcome to our comprehensive fitness calculation hub! We offer science-based tools to help you understand your body, set realistic fitness goals, and track your progress.

Our Calculators

1. Natural Muscle Gain Potential Calculator for Men

This calculator estimates male muscle growth potential without performance-enhancing drugs. Based on Dr. Casey Butt's research, it uses your measurements to estimate:

  • Current lean body mass
  • Potential maximum lean body mass
  • Potential muscle gain
  • Ideal body part measurements based on your frame

Important Note: This calculator is designed for men only. There is currently no equivalent research or formula for women's muscular potential.

2. Free and Bioavailable Testosterone Calculator

Our Free and Bioavailable Testosterone Calculator, based on the Vermeulen method, helps estimate the amount of testosterone readily available to your body. It provides insights on:

  • Free testosterone levels
  • Bioavailable testosterone levels
  • Percentage of total testosterone that is free and bioavailable

This calculator is applicable for both men and women but has limitations in specific scenarios involving high levels of interfering steroids.

3. BMI Calculator

Our Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator helps you quickly determine your BMI, a measure used to assess weight status relative to height. While BMI has limitations, it can be a useful screening tool for understanding overall health status.

How to Use Our Calculators

Each calculator has specific instructions. Input your measurements and let our tools do the calculations. Results are displayed clearly and can be easily shared or bookmarked.

Considerations and Limitations

  • Our calculators provide estimates based on statistical averages and may not perfectly reflect every individual's potential.
  • Results can vary due to factors like genetics, training intensity, diet, and overall health.
  • The Muscle Gain Potential Calculator is for men only and assumes a certain body fat percentage for maximum predictions.
  • The Free and Bioavailable Testosterone Calculator may not be accurate in situations with high levels of interfering steroids.
  • BMI doesn't distinguish between muscle and fat and may not be accurate for athletes, elderly, or individuals with extreme body types.
  • These tools are for informational purposes and should not replace professional medical advice.

Our Purpose

We aim to provide science-based tools to help you set realistic, achievable fitness goals. Our calculators are designed to cut through fitness industry misinformation and offer objective insights into your potential and progress.

Remember, while these calculators offer valuable guidance, the most crucial factors in your fitness journey are consistency, proper nutrition, and enjoyment of the process. Use these estimates as guides, but don't let them limit your aspirations.

We're committed to continually improving our offerings to support your fitness journey. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to contact us.